Donate today to help millions of refugees who need life-saving care.

Make a gift today and fund a life-changing scholarship

Aiming Higher seeks to bridge the higher education gap for forcibly displaced people. Currently we are seeing only 5% of refugees completing higher education, and we need to do better.

Generations of young people are missing out on the opportunity to pursue their interests and work towards a better future due to systemic inequality in access to higher education.

Donate today and fund a student through a UNHCR Refugee Scholarship (DAFI). $2,186 is enough to cover all essential education expenses of one student for an entire school year, including travel, housing, food, books and uniforms.

You can make a difference and bring hope to refugees today with a 100% tax-deductible donation to UNHCR. Our supporters make our work possible—only 1% of UNHCR’s budget comes from the UN.

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All monthly donations are distributed to the areas of greatest need. You will receive one consolidated tax receipt for your monthly gifts in February of next year. By submitting this form you are agreeing to receive emails from UNHCR Canada. You can unsubscribe at any time.


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We are so grateful for your donation. Most donors right now are giving $200 or more

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