Donate today to help millions of refugees who need life-saving care.



Your monthly commitment is urgently needed for UNHCR’s most underfunded operations worldwide.

Support is urgently needed for UNHCR’s most underfunded operations worldwide.

UNHCR has seen exceptional support from donors for its Ukraine response. However, overall costs have risen and multiple emergencies including drought in the Horn of Africa, displacement from Venezuela, flooding in Pakistan, and food shortages and fuel price hikes mean we need more funding than ever before.

UNHCR’s work in countries such as Somalia, Lebanon, Colombia, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo are suffering from funding shortfalls of millions of dollars which could result in devastating consequences. Children are out of school, families are not able to afford food and people have limited access to healthcare.

Donor support makes a significant impact to underfunded projects worldwide. More information on the most underfunded situations can be found here.

You can make a difference and bring hope to refugees today with a 100% tax-deductible donation to UNHCR. Our supporters make our work possible—only 1% of UNHCR’s budget comes from the UN.

You can make a difference and bring hope to refugees today with a 100% tax-deductible donation to UNHCR. Our supporters make our work possible—only 1% of UNHCR’s budget comes from the UN.


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All monthly donations are distributed to the areas of greatest need. You will receive one consolidated tax receipt for your monthly gifts in February of next year. By submitting this form you are agreeing to receive emails from UNHCR Canada. You can unsubscribe at any time.


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We are so grateful for your donation. Most donors right now are giving $200 or more

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